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郑州市人民政府 郑州军分区


郑政〔2002〕18号 二○○二年十月十一日




第一章 总 则

第一条 为适应新形势下军事斗争准备的需要,着眼提高保障“打赢”能力,根据《中华人民共和国国防法》和《中国人民解放军动员工作条例》的有关规定,按照《中共郑州市委、郑州市人民政府、郑州军分区关于郑州市城市民兵工作改革实施意见》(郑发[2002]15号)的要求,制定本暂行办法。

第二条 军民通用装备是指实施和保障军事行动的民用装备、器材的统称,包括通讯、工程、防化、爆破、医疗、运输、修理、化工、侦察、电子、预警、气象、航空等装备、器材。

第三条 各级国防动员委员会负责辖区内军民通用装备平时管理和战时征用的领导工作,其下属的综合办公室负责组织、协调等具体工作。

第四条 国家机关、事业单位、社会团体、各类企业及公民个人,应按照国防动员委员会的要求,认真履行好军民通用装备平时管理和战时征用的义务。

第二章 军民通用装备平时管理

第五条 军民通用装备平时管理包括:宣传教育、调查统计、编组点验、制定预案、征用演练等内容。

第六条 各级国防动员委员会定期对拥有军民通用装备的单位和个人开展形势战备、爱国主义和依法履行国防义务的宣传教育,不断提高其政治觉悟和国防观念。

第七条 军民通用装备调查统计采取自下而上、条块结合的方法进行,分普查、重点调查和经常性登记。



第八条 国家机关、事业单位、社会团体、各类企业及公民个人,应无偿、如实地提供军民通用装备调查所需要的有关资料;军民通用装备的报废、更新、出售、转让,应及时告知调查统计人,汇总至本级国防动员委员会综合办公室。

第九条 各级国防动员委员会依据调查的有关情况,按照军民通用装备的名称、生产厂家、技术性能、使用单位、零配件供应厂家、维修厂家等项目进行详细记载,量化分类,归口建档。

第十条 各级国防动员委员会应根据军民通用装备的属性、类型、性能、军事用途等情况,采取相对集中的方法进行合理编组,以满足不同保障对象的需要。

第十一条 各级军事机关要制定军民通用装备战时征用预案。征用预案主要包括装备征用集结地域、指挥通信联络、信记号规定、组织实施的基本程序、保障方法和措施等内容。

第十二条 各级国防动员委员会每两年要对军民通用装备管理工作进行一次综合评估,不断丰富完善征用预案。

第三章 军民通用装备战时征用

第十三条 军民通用装备战时征用是国家为应付战争的紧急需要,对国家机关、事业单位、社会团体、各类企业及公民个人等所拥有的军民通用装备进行的征收使用。军民通用装备战时征用属于国家行为。

第十四条 各级国防动员委员会在接到上级征用命令后,应迅速向军民通用装备的所属单位和个人通报,同时根据上级下达的征用任务,按照本级战时征用预案,迅速拟制征用实施计划,并组织实施。

第十五条 军民通用装备战时征用要兼顾支援作战、坚持生产、安定人民生活的实际需要,合理确定各单位征用比例和限额。实施过程中,应按先近后远、先多后少的原则进行。

第十六条 各级国防动员委员会下属各部门要深入战时征用工作第一线,准确掌握辖区内被征用的军民通用装备基本状况。

第十七条 国家机关、事业单位、社会团体、各类企业及公民个人,应按照战时征用任务,迅速做好各项准备工作,在规定时间内,把军民通用装备送达指定的集结地域。

第十八条 军民通用装备实行有偿征用。各级国防动员委员会对所征用的装备,应根据原有价值和新旧程度合理评定价格,并及时进行登记,发放征用凭证。

第四章 附 则

第十九条 对在军民通用装备平时管理和战时征用工作中成绩显著的单位和个人,各级国防动员委员会要予以通报表彰,依照有关规定给予奖励。

第二十条 对拒绝或逃避军民通用装备战时征用义务或因玩忽职守使征用工作受到严重损失的单位和个人,要按照《中华人民共和国国防法》和《中华人民共和国刑法》的有关规定进行惩处。

第二十一条 本暂行办法由市国防动员委员会综合办公室负责解释。

第二十二条 本暂行办法自下发之日起执行。
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中华人民共和国主席 江泽民


(1995年2月28日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十二次会议通过 1995年2月28日中华人民共和国主席令第四十一号公布 1995年2月28日施行)


Decision on Punishment over Crimes against the Company Law

(Adopted at the 12th Session of The standing Committee of The 8thNational People's Congress and promulgated on February 28, 1995)

Whole document
Decision on Punishment over Crimes against the Company Law
(Adopted at the 12th Session of The standing Committee of The 8th
National People's Congress and promulgated on February 28, 1995)
With a view to maintaining the social and economic order, protecting
the legal rights and interests of a company, punishing the crimes against
the company Law, the following provisions are formulated as a supplement
to the Criminal Law.
Article 1
Anyone who falsely reports the registered capital of a company when
applying for registration to the competent authorities by using fake
certificate documents or taking other fraudulent methods to acquire the
registration of the company, if to a huge amount, resulting in a serious
consequence or other grave effects, shall be sentenced to less than 3
years' imprisonment or criminal detention, and may, together, be fined
amounting to no more than 10 percent of the registered capital falsely
The unit applying for registration, who commits the offence provided
for in the preceding paragraph, shall be fined amounting to less than 10
percent of the registered capital falsely reported; the person(s) directly
in charge and others directly obliged shall be sentenced to less than 3
years' imprisonment or criminal detention in accordance with the
provisions stipulated in the preceding paragraph.
Article 2
The promoters, shareholders of a company who, in violation of the
Company Law, do not deliver the currencies or property in kind or do not
effect the transfer of property rights, falsely deliver the capital
contributions or withdraw the capital contributions after the company has
been established, if to a huge amount, resulting in a serious consequence
or other grave effects, shall be sentenced to less than 5 years'
imprisonment or criminal detention, and may, together, be fined amounting
to less than 10 percent of the capital falsely delivered or withdrawn.
The unit, committing the offence provided for in the preceding
paragraph, shall be fined amounting to less than 10 percent of the capital
falsely delivered or withdrawn by the unit; the person(s) directly in
charge and others directly obliged shall be sentenced to less than 5
years' imprisonment or criminal detention according to the provisions
stipulated in the preceding paragraph.
Article 3
Anyone who issues stocks or corporate bonds by making up fake
prospectus, share subscription applications or corporate bond offer
procedure, if to a huge amount and resulting in a serious consequence or
other grave effects, shall be sentenced to no more than 5 years'
imprisonment or criminal detention, and may, together, be fined amounting
to no more than 5 percent of the fund illegally raised.
The unit, committing the offence provided for in the preceding
paragraph, shall be fined amounting to less than 5 percent of the fund
illegally raised; the person(s) directly in charge and others directly
obliged shall be sentenced to no more than 5 years' imprisonment or
criminal detention according to the provisions stipulated in the preceding
Article 4
If a company provides the shareholders and the solo public with a
false financial and accounting report or conceals important information in
its financial and accounting report, thus seriously infringing upon the
interests of shareholders or others, the person(s) directly in charge and
others directly obliged shall be sentenced to less than 3 years'
imprisonment or criminal detention, and may, together, be fined amounting
to no more than RMB 200,000 yuan.
Article 5
In liquidation, if a company hides its assets, makes a false account
in its balance sheet or inventory of property sheet, or allocates its
assets before clearing off its debts, thus seriously infringing upon the
interests of the creditors or others, the person(s) directly in charge and
others directly obliged shall be sentenced to no more than 5 years'
imprisonment or criminal detention, and may, together, be fined amounting
to RMB 200,000 yuan.
Article 6
The personnel in charge of valuation of assets, examination of
capital, verification and audit, who deliberately submit false
documentation, thus resulting in a grave effect, shall be sentenced to no
more than 5 years' imprisonment or criminal detention, and may, together,
be fined amounting to no more than RMB 200,000 yuan.
The unit, committing the offence provided for in the preceding
paragraph shall be fined amounting to no more than fivefold illegal gains;
the person directly in charge and others directly obliged shall be
sentenced to imprisonment or criminal detention of no more than 5 years
according to the provisions specified in the preceding paragraph.
Article 7
Anyone who issues stocks or corporate bonds without approval of the
relevant competent authority regulated by the Company Law, if to a huge
amount and resulting in a serious consequence or other grave effects,
shall be sentenced to less than 5 years' imprisonment or criminal
detention, and may, together, be fined amounting to less than 5 percent
of the fund illegally raised.
The unit, committing the offence provided for in the preceding
paragraph shall be fined amounting to less than 5 percent of the fund
illegally raised by the unit; the person directly in charge shall be
sentenced to less than 5 years' imprisonment or criminal detention
according to the provisions specified in the preceding paragraph.
Article 8
The state personnel of relevant competent authorities, who grant
approval or registration to a company which does not meet the conditions
required by the law in the application for its establishment and
registration, or for listing or issuance of stocks or corporate bonds,
thus seriously infringing upon the public property and the interests of
the state and people, shall be punished according to Article 187 of the
Criminal Law.
Where the higher-level authority forcefully orders the registration
authority and its personnel to take the actions stipulated in the
preceding paragraph, the person in charge who is directly responsible
shall be punished according to the provisions in the preceding paragraph.
Article 9
A company's director, supervisor or staff member who exploits his
office to extort and accept bribery, if to a fairly large amount, shall be
sentenced to no more than 5 years' imprisonment or criminal detention,
and, if to a huge amount, to no less than 5 years' imprisonment, and his
property may, together, be forfeited to the state.
Article 10
A company's director, supervisor or staff member who exploits his
office to seize the company's property, if to a fairly large amount, shall
be sentenced to no more than 5 years' imprisonment or criminal detention,
and, if to a huge amount, to no less more than 5 years' imprisonment, and
his property may, together, be forfeited to the state.
Article 11
A company's director, supervisor or staff member who exploits his
office to embezzle the public fund of his unit for his private use or for
lending it to others, if to a fairly large amount and having not returned
it for over 3 months, or using it for profits-seeking purpose or other
unlawful activities although having returned it within 3 months, shall be
sentenced to no more than 3 years' imprisonment or criminal detention,
and, if to a fairly large amount and never returning it, shall be
punished as the offence of embezzling-public-funds as provided for in
Article 10 of this Decision.
Article 12
State personnel who commit a crime against the provisions as provided
for in Article 9, Article 10 and Article 11 of this Decision, shall be
punished according to the provisions stipulated in the Supplementary
Provisions on Punishment over Crime of Corruption and Bribery.
Article 13
Illegal gains, if any, from the crimes as provided for in this
Decision shall be confiscated.
Those who commit crimes against this Decision, with their illegal
gains to be confiscated, a fine imposed, their property forfeited and a
civil compensation assumed, shall be liable for the civil compensation in
priority in case they are insufficient of the assets for payment of all
the above items.
Article 14
This Decision shall as well be applicable to the crimes committed
against Article 9, Article 10 and Article 11 of this Decision by the staff
and workers of enterprises other than limited liability companies and
companies limited by shares.
Article 15
This Decision shall enter into force from the date of its